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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Having Dinner at Matsuhisa

The longtime rumored lovers were seen enjoying their meal at the Japanese restaurant in Beverly Hills on Sunday, October 10 while talking to their friends.

A newly outed video has shown Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart having a dinner date at Matsuhisa Japanese restaurant in Beverly Hills on Sunday, October 10. In the more than 2 minutes footage, Robert and Kristen were seen simply enjoying their meal and talking to each other.

After having the sushi date, Robert and Kristen, who were at that time accompanied by their friends, got into a Beverly Hills cap. Once they were in the cab, the rumored lovers were seen ducking down as snappers refused to fail capturing them. Though so, the two were snapped sharing a hearty laugh while in the back of the taxi.

According to E! Online prior to the sushi date, Robert and Kristen attended a private pool party at the Thomson hotel on Friday. During the party, a source told the site that the "Twilight" stars didn't try to hide their affection as they reportedly "held hands and were kissing."

"They looked really happy, laughing and hanging out side-by-side the entire time," the source went on. "It wasn't like they were trying to hide they were dating. They were just smoking and hanging out with friends. No one bothered them. They just looked like a normal couple!"

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's Dinner at Matsuhisa:

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