Site about of Renesmee Cullen and Breaking Dawn movie news

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kristen talks about her ‘Breaking Dawn’ daughter

Kristen Stewart sat down recently to talk to MTV about the Twilight franchise and how she has yet to meet the young actress who is to play her daughter in the two-part movie. And you can check out the interview below.  “Breaking Dawn’, the fourth book and soon to be movie installment has yet to be to be filmed but there is already buzz surrounding Mackenzie Foy who has been cast as Renesmee the child of Edward and Bella.

The director Bill Cordon is convinced that Foy – who will play the vampire/human hybrid- looks exactly like Stewart and co-star Rob Pattinson if they would spawn, which Kristen admits is rather weird.  Kristen admits that Mackenzie does look like Bella, although, she has green eyes and she and Rob both have to wear brown contacts – which is a bit funny.

Other elements of the movie are slowly moving forward, including Bella’s married life.  Stewart has gone for some wedding dress fittings, though one hasn’t been chosen yet.  And Kristen has promised that the movie will remain true to the book in the events after Bella and Edward walk down the aisle, including some feather filled honeymoon bumping-and-grinding.  Kristen says that those elements must be kept in as they are important not only to the story but to the progress of the movie and it is something the fans will so desperately want to see.

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