Site about of Renesmee Cullen and Breaking Dawn movie news

Friday, October 15, 2010

Twilight's Nikki Reed Excited to Become Immortal Aunt

 Edward and Bella may become proud parents in the soon-to-be filmed Twilight: Breaking Dawn, but it's Nikki Reed who may be the most excited about the introduction of baby Renesmee.

"Selfishly, I'm really pleased with my relationship with this kid," the actress, 22, tells PEOPLE while attending a Cirque du Tacori event in Santa Monica, "but I really like the way it affects my relationship with Jacob."

Reed's character, Rosalie Hale, has always had a sizable chip on her shoulder when it comes to Taylor Lautner's shape-shifter, but after reading through the new scripts, Reed is looking forward to exploring her vampire's softer side.

"In the first part of the books Jacob and I hate each other," she says, "but we bond over this baby and we develop this connection that is really powerful."

It's a connection that Reed says is reminiscent of her off-screen friendship with costar Lautner, 18.

"It feels similar but at the same time more volatile than the relationship that I have in real life with Taylor," she says. "We're obviously buddies, but there's a playfulness that we get to explore that wasn't there before."

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