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Monday, October 11, 2010

Robert Pattinson & Banksy Feature In The Simpsons

 With Daniel Radcliffe bizarrely doing Pattinson’s voice…

Twilight star Robert Pattinson features in a new episode of animated show The Simpsons, kind of.
A forthcoming Halloween edition of the programme features a vampire called Edmund, but in a typically weird twist by the show’s bosses the character is voiced by Harry Potter man Daniel Radcliffe.

The yellow family will spoof the Vampire films with ‘Tweenlight’, which will feature in ‘Treehouse of Horror XXI’.

And in other news about the show artist Banksy has directed his own version of the famous Simpsons titles.

His take on the intro features the graffiti man’s tag all over the Springfield landscape before the sequence takes a dark turn.

Depressed looking minions are shown animating the show and manufacturing Bart dolls, in a surreal spin on the usual titles.

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