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Monday, October 18, 2010

Kristen Stewart reveals excited to see baby for Breaking Dawn

Kristen Stewart is excited to be on the road for the next Twilight Saga movie. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn cast is heading south for the first taping of the new movie, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson included. The cast has become family of sorts and in an interivew with ET today, Stewart talks about the new journey with the new film and the new baby.

    "They become a family, finally," she says. "I mean, they have a baby together. They have a little half-breed. I can't wait to see the baby."

The Kristen Stewart interview was for her latest film that hits the theaters on November 10, however fans were delighted to see her open up about Twilight as that is where they are most excited. The film brings together Belle and Edward and finds the two characters in love, marriage and having a newborn. Bringing the story along, the actress can once again 'get into the head' of the character she claims to guard so deeply.

The filming of Breaking Dawn is scheduled to start at the beginning of the month, if not sooner.

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